Wednesday 23 January 2013

girl tattoo designs

Female tattoos, ladies tattoos or girly tattoos – in other words tattoos that are feminine in design, and therefore favored by women and girls – are becoming more and more common. For the first fifty or sixty years after tattooing became commonplace and even mainstream in modern society, few women got tattoos – in fact, those that did were the exception and usually a touch eccentric or rebellious.

All that changed about twenty years ago when tattooing became more socially acceptable, largely due to the many celebrities who publicly sported tattoos. Some of these were women, and so, tattoos for women became more common and acceptable. Nowadays most people find female tattoos sexy and attractive, they certainly aren't offensive any

If you've never gone out of your way to insult the way Chris Brown lives his life, I suggest you keep it that way. I say this not out of support for the song-and-dance man, but because attacking him in any way permanently puts you on the figurative hit list of the living, breathing Mean Girl entity that is #TeamBreezy. For those of us who have taken the plunge, however, we have an unfortunate but important public duty to raise awareness about just how icky he is, whenever the opportunity presents itself. Which is constantly.
A disastrous mistake looked set to cost Kimberley Vlaeminck more than her looks after the young Belgian had 56 stars tattooed on her face.

Last summer she was preparing to shell out £9,000 for laser surgery and said she hoped to have the design removed by the end of September.

But, almost three years after the 21-year-old decided to go under the needle, the constellation shows little sign of fading.

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